How to create a blueberry
Learn how to draw a blueberry with this photoshop tutorial
Welcome to another photoshop tutorial! As I was saying I try to have original tutorials or at least an original approach of some old tutorials. For this lesson, I thought maybe I can try to show how to do a blueberry. I had to do blueberry's for a client once and I thought I should make a nice tutorial for you. This may seem to be a very long tutorial but in fact it's not, I only took printscreens on every little step I made.Create a new document of whatever size you want, mine is 300x300 pixels. Let's start by creating a circle with the Elliptical Marquee Tool, this must be a perfect circle not an ellipse so press and hold the SHIFT key while you are drawing with the Elliptical Marquee Tool. With your foreground color set to #1291c0 and your background color set to #0d0958 create a new layer, select the Gradient Tool and from the Gradient picker select Foreground to Background gradient (it's the first in the list) and then select the radial gradient style. Start dragging from one corner to another. Your settings should be like you see in the image below:

Make a new layer and put it beneath all your layers ( you can do that by SHIFT + CTRL + [ or Layer > Arrange > Send to Back). Fill it with black or a darker blue than deselect and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and select a Radius of 2. You should have something you see in the image below:

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